Monday, September 26, 2011

Howdy Cowboy!

Jameson turned 10 months on September 19th. I like to do a little mini-shoot for each month... It was about 85 degrees out yesterday so I had to do a naked cowboy shoot... I couldn't help it!!
I giggle in delight when I see my sweet boy clap his hands and say 'Eee!' for the camera... I dread the day when he will roll his eyes as I pull out my camera to capture a moment of sweetness.

There is an old barn by our house that we drive by when we're headed into town. We took Jameson's 3-month photos there, as well. It's so gorgeous with the dilapidated barn, sweet grass, and huge hay bales. It screams 'country charm'...
Since his 1st birthday party is going to be a cowboy party, I knew that I had to do a cowboy shoot while it was still warm! After church, we had some lunch, ran some errands, and headed to the barn.
I am pretty sure that Jameson is going through a growth spurt, as he's been sleeping 12-13 hours each night for the past 3 nights. He's also taking about 3 naps and wants to drink a bottle constantly. Picking up him up this morning, I can guarantee that he's gained at least a pound or 2 in the past week.

On Saturday, we went to the Big Shanty Antique Mall in Kennesaw. Marcus, Jennifer, Creed, and Ethan were our dates as we meandered our way through aisles and aisles of treasures. We stayed in there for at LEAST 2 hours... Fingering our way through the pages of old books, modeling hats, laughing at the strange looks we got while mentioning a VCR. 'What's a VHS?' Jameson sat quietly in his stroller, taking in each new row with enamored concentration. I wish that we could hear what babies are thinking... When their eyes get enlarged as they handle something new... passing it from hand to hand to look at each side. Watching him learn something new is so beautiful.
He has started learning so many words lately... It cracks me up to hear my 'baby' say words. He calls for Ruby, 'Wuubeeeeee.' He calls his bottle 'bah'. He has known 'Mama' and 'Dada' for a while now... but it still makes my heart smile and sing with pride when he wakes up and sleepy-smiles with a murmured 'Mama'.

On a different note, Jay and I celebrated 7 years yesterday. Wow...7 years together, and I fall for him more and more each day... I couldn't have picked a better person to walk through life with. He is such a great husband and such a great father... I am so blessed!!

1 comment:

  1. Love these pictures!!! And congrats on 7 years, that is so amazing ♥
