Monday, September 12, 2011

September 12, 2011

First things first... Happy Birthday to my amazing Dad!! This picture is one of his notorious GameDay poses!! Hahahaha.
I won't get all sappy and talk about how my Dad is the best Dad and how great he is... but I will suffice it to say that my Dad is better than yours and could totally kick his ace in a fight... Just sayin'. :o)

Moving on, this past weekend was the infamous USC/UGA came... I dread this game every year. I live in GA, which means I am surrounded by UGA fans... Everywhere I look, a flag, a bumper sticker, a magnet... I am okay with this... but I know that Jay and I
take total pride in driving around with a magnet on every door, and our Gamecock flags flowing sweetly in the breeze as we fly down 75 avoiding any and all eye-contact. Ahh... football season is here!! YESSSSSSS!!

I must admit that when asked about favorite seasons, I unabashedly admit that my favorite season is FootballSeason!... The weather, the family time, the food, the great stories told *and retold* while tailgating... And by tailgating I mean squeezing elevendy-seven adults, 1 WWE-loving 10-year old entrepreneur, and an 8-year old princess who comes complete with a suitcase full of PollyPocket-sized toys, into a 1 bedroom RV.
I am the first to add to the brood in the last few years, as we now have a 9-month old with a penchant for sticking anything he can reach into electrical sockets...

This will be the first time we've ever taken him tailgating for the weekend, but I am SO excited!! It is so hard to believe that he is 9 months old. The last game that we tailgated, I was INCREDIBLY pregnant... This year has just flown by. We've already started planning the big FIRST BIRTHDAY BASH!... Where does the time go?

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